Hope Christian College – Excellence in Education

Junior School

Middle School

Senior School
Reception to Year 5
Junior Schooling at Hope Christian College is for Reception to Year 5 children. Assisted by our dedicated and caring Christian teaching and support staff, our aim is to equip students with knowledge and skills for lifelong learning.
A Nurturing Environment
At Hope Christian College we understand the importance of a child’s first years at school. The academic program is delivered within the framework of the Australian curriculum, with a strong focus on literacy and numeracy, by caring Christian teaching and support staff in a safe and nurturing environment.

Purposeful, Interesting and Engaging Learning
Our students are immersed in a purposeful, interesting and engaging learning environment where we encourage each child to develop their gifts and talents. The curriculum is delivered through a range of structures from differentiated programs that cater for the individual needs to group work and teacher directed lessons. ICT is incorporated into each area of the curriculum with the use of iPads, computers and interactive white boards.
Our children have the opportunity to learn about the Christian faith through daily devotions and the Christian Life program. They are encouraged to express their faith through prayer, singing and chapel. Hope Christian College students are able to develop a broad appreciation for a range of cultural and sporting events through College musicals, sports days, excursions and camps. Student leadership is developed within the Junior School through the appointment, and training of Peer Leaders in Year 5. Students are encouraged to take on extra responsibilities and be mentors to the younger students in the school.

Physical Education & Daily Fitness
Physical Education is an important part of the Junior Schooling curriculum. Students participate in daily fitness, sports lessons and a variety of events and carnivals. An After-school Sports program is held twice a week and students have the opportunity to engage in a wide range of activities including tennis, dance and soccer. The program is run by trained instructors with the support of teaching staff.
At Hope Christian College the strong foundation the students receive in their Junior years helps to prepare them for Middle Schooling and to be life-long learners.
Years 6 to 9
Middle Schooling at Hope Christian College has a strong emphasis on community with Home Groups containing a mix of Years 6 to 9 students. Students remain within the same Community group throughout their Middle years.
A Nurturing Environment
At Hope Christian College, Middle Schooling has a high emphasis on community and pastoral care. The Middle School is structured so that a range of students from years 6 through to 9 are within each home group and remain within that community and with a pastoral care teacher throughout their middle schooling. This vertical streaming of students in the home group helps to break down the natural barriers of age differences, and builds a sense of unity among the students. Older students have the opportunities to positively mentor the younger students who look up to them as role models. The students have the opportunity to develop this unity through various organised weekly community events and special activities throughout the year. Each pastoral care teacher has the opportunity to invest in each students’ life, particularly as they help meet their spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional needs. The pastoral care teacher is also the link between school life with home life, endeavouring to ensure that the education of the whole child is a partnership between the school and home.

Purposeful, Interesting and Engaging Learning
Our students are immersed in a purposeful, interesting and engaging learning environment where we encourage each child to develop their gifts and talents. The curriculum is delivered through a range of structures from differentiated programs including Music, Drama, Digital Technologies, Technical Studies and Science. Middle School also marks the commencement of the camps and outdoor education programs, where students utilise practical skills in the great outdoors. The Hope Christian College Laptop Program also commences in Middle School, and seeks to provide equitable access to technology for students in their middle and final years of schooling.
Years 10 to 12
Senior Schooling students at Hope Christian College are part of a vibrant and diverse learning community. Students choose from a wide range of subjects leading to further study or work, and are able to undertake a number of VET courses.
A Variety of Subject Choices
At Hope Christian College, Years 10-12 are the senior years. This culminates in their completion of the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). In these three years, students see the end of their compulsory schooling prior to embarking on courses of tertiary study or careers in the work force. In many ways, years 10-12 represent the ‘business end’ of schooling.
Regardless of which pathway students select, achievement up to the end of Year 9 forms the basis for the courses undertaken in Years 10, 11 and 12. This achievement will, in part, determine student success in the Senior School. Moreover, the importance of student achievement in today’s fiercely competitive labour market cannot be underestimated.
Student choices at Senior School level should relate to future study and career interests. A range of subjects, assessed in different ways, allows Hope Christian College to offer a realistic and relevant choice of subject combinations for Years 10-12 students. From these, students can select a course to satisfy their own requirements, and to meet those of the South Australian Certificate of Education.
The various subjects being offered will give students the opportunity to select the most appropriate course, enabling them to enter the tertiary institution or career path of their choice. The College urges parents to play an active part in the selection of their children’s course, and to consult with the College over the final choices if required. We are committed to maintaining and developing strong and successful academic traditions established at this level by our Senior School students.
The strong foundation the students receive in their Junior years at Hope Christian College helps to prepare them for Middle Schooling and to be life-long learners.

Created in the Image of God
At Hope Christian College we teach our students that each is an individual, created in the image of God with a unique purpose to fulfill as part of a greater picture. Hope Christian College Seniors are encouraged to respect others, act responsibly and make a positive impact in the local, national and global community. All students participate in a weekly celebration of the Christian faith through student led chapel, where student leaders share their faith stories in peer to peer evangelism and worship.
The Hope Christian College Senior Christian Life program is central to our curriculum and students discuss faith, the Bible and explore issues from a Christian worldview. As part of student well-being, the program is designed to not only educate our students in important facts but also prepare them to make safe decisions. The program includes drug and alcohol, safe partying, cyber-safety and driver education seminars.
We believe that all students have a right to learn in a caring and nurturing environment and Hope Christian College Seniors are taught the principle of DUO (Do Unto Others). Culturally inclusive, Hope Christian College Senior School has a vibrant multicultural community life with students from diverse ethnic backgrounds.
Opportunities Through Unique Programs
Hope Christian College Seniors encounter many decisions throughout their final years of schooling. Not only do they have to make subject choices and choose career pathways, they begin to make decisions about how they will interact as young adults in the wider community. Students are provided with opportunities to explore and achieve their goals through various programs and services including:
- Year 11 Work Experience program
- Career Counseling
- Course Information Evenings
- VET Programs in a variety of areas
- School Based Apprenticeships
- Hope Christian College Community Life program (student leadership program)
Throughout their senior years, Hope Christian College Seniors will visit a variety of University and TAFE campuses, attend a career expo and interact with visitors from industry and business through various onsite and off-site presentations.
Hope Christian College Senior School students have the opportunity to participate in and experience many unique programs in a range of areas. Hope Christian College Seniors regularly represent the school in various events throughout the school year including: the Balaklava Music & Performance Eisteddfod, CSA Conferences, Tournament of Minds, various Athletics and Sporting Carnivals, Poetry and Creative Writing Competitions, Student Leadership Conferences, Science, Mathematics and Engineering Challenges and competitions.
On-site holiday seminars and workshops are held across a variety of subject areas by Hope Christian College Senior School teachers for students in Year 12. Many senior classes are taught in small groups which assists students to exceed their expectations. Hope Christian College Senior School teachers are always willing to devote one on one time to students. Small class sizes in Hope Christian College are advantageous to students receiving personal attention from teaching staff and extra assistance in the classroom to achieve their goals.

Senior School Laptop Program
The Hope Christian College Senior School Laptop Program seeks to provide equitable access to technology for students in their final years of schooling. Similarly, the Senior School Study Centre is open for student access before and after school as well as during study periods. It is a place where students can access technology, meet with teachers for extra tuition and study independently.
Register your Interest
To register your interest please complete the form below. If you require assistance or wish to talk through enrolling further, contact the College office on (08) 8287 1111 or email enrolments@hopecc.sa.edu.au.